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Build Intelligence & Scale with our
Smart Resellers Sourcing Sheet

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Your Deal Sourcing
& Team Performance

We have been working closely with our clients to develop an intelligent and semi-automated sourcing sheet that you can benefit from.  Whether you source yourself or have a team of Virtual Assistants sourcing in your business, you need our BRAND NEW sourcing sheet. 


Our SRSS will enable you to efficiently and accurately populate your deal sourcing data, support you to quickly identify your best deals sourced, showcase your top go-to suppliers and measure the KPI and financial performance of your sourcing team members.


The Smart Resellers Sourcing Sheet will enable you to:


1. Efficiently and accurately populate your deals

2. Accurately record sourcing data

3. Support you to quickly identify your best deals sourced

4. Assist you to record those bad buy deals

5. Showcase your top go-to deals and top-performing suppliers

6. Measure the KPI and financial performance of your sourcing team members



"Wow, this is a game-changer! I can see exactly how well my team are performing and the vital information I need to support me in shortlisting the deals"




The Smart Resellers Sourcing Sheet Features:


Instant Access to download

In-depth 'How To' video tutorials 

Pre-built advanced monthly deal sourcing tabs

Intuitive dashboard & key metrics

Track Out of stock deals and suppliers

Manage inbuilt retailers list

Track dashboard data

Insights into top categories, deals and suppliers sourced

Measure VA team KPI performance 

Manage VA estimate and actual financial performance


Secure Access To Your Very Own Smart Resellers Sourcing Sheet TODAY and receive a £100 discount!



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