Getting immersed with a brand new field is a great learning experience. It can be good and challenging at the same time.
Part of the challenge is learning the language used within the said industry. For example, if you’re just starting to be immersed with a specific sport, like volleyball, you have to learn the terms they’re using. You have to learn what a spike is, block, receive, etc. Or, if a friend introduces you to a new hobby like mountaineering or hiking, you have to know the words they use so you don’t get lost in translation when speaking with a fellow hiker or mountaineer.
The same can be said for those who have just started their Amazon journey. Selling through Amazon doesn’t only mean you have to learn to read trends and data, or graphs and numbers within Keepa. You also have to learn and get used to the language used within the Amazon selling world.
It is a challenge, yes. However, with every challenge, there’s always a way to make things a little easier. That’s why within this article we will teach you the most common acronyms used by Amazon and Amazon sellers alike. Let’s start!
ASIN: Amazon Standard Identification Number
ASP: Average Sales Price
ATOP: At Time Of Posting
AZ or AMZ: Amazon
B&M: Brick-and-Mortar Store
BAM: Books-A-Million
BF: Black Friday
BL: Big Lots
BMVD: Books, Music, Video, and DVD
BN: Barnes & Noble
BOGO: Buy One, Get One
BOLO: Be On the LookOut
BSR: Best Seller Rank
BTS: Back To School
CC: Credit Card
CCC: CamelCamelCamel
COGS: Cost Of Goods Sold
DS: DropShipping
EAN: European Article Number
EIN: Employment Identification Number
FBA: Fulfillment By Amazon
FBM: Fulfillment By Merchant
FNSKU: Fulfillment Network SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
FTFBA: Full-Time FBA
GC: Gift Card
GL: Gated List
GTIN: Global Trade Item Number
HBA: Health & Beauty Aids
HTF: Hard To Find
IL: Inventory Lab
ISBN: International Standard Book Number
LTH: Long-Term Hold
LTSF: Long-Term Storage Fee
MAP: Minimum Advertised Price
MF: Merchant Fulfilled
MFN: Merchant Fulfilled Network
MSKU: Merchant Stock Keeping Unit
MSRP: Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
OA: Online Arbitrage
OOS: Out Of Stock
OTC: Over The Counter
PB: Profit Bandit
PL: Private Label
PM: Profit Margin
Q1: First Quarter of the year
Q2: Second Quarter of the year
Q3: Third Quarter of the year
Q4: Fourth Quarter of the year
RA: Retail Arbitrage
ROI: Return On Investment
SC: Seller Central
SKU: Stock Keeping Unit
SM: Scanner Monkey
These are only some of the most commonly used acronyms within the Amazon selling jungle.
In conclusion, there is a lot to learn when you first enter selling through Amazon. What matters is how you take every learning you encounter.
For this particular lesson, take it one acronym at a time. No one’s pressuring you to memorize these acronyms right away. Save the URL of this article so you have something to go back to whenever you get lost with an acronym.
Ultimately, the more you use a term, the more you get familiar with its meaning and usage.
Need More Help? Here Are Some Additional Resources
Get Coaching: Want our help growing your eCom business? Apply for our Arbitrage Experts Academy Programme Here.
Free Training: How to start, systemise and scale your online business. Register Here.
Book a FREE Strategy Call: Get 1-2-1 support from the OSC Team to devise a tailor made plan you can follow to achieve scale. Click Here.
Get Expert Virtual Assistants: Want us to build your team of transformational VAs and free your time? Learn more here.